Corporate News from 29.01.2021

Report on the 1st Half of the Financial Year 2020/2021 (1 June to 30 November 2020)

Group turnover €14,224k (+30.6%) // EBIT €2,443k (+234.2%) // Gross cash flow €1,748k (+98.4%) // Consolidated profit €1,589k (+286.6%) // Very high order backlog of €19,017k

In the reporting period from 1 June to 30 November 2020, CeoTronics AG recorded a group turnover of €14,224k (previous year: €10,893k), by far the highest half-year turnover in the company’s history.

The key earnings figures also reached record levels without exception in the 2020/2021 financial half-year. Consolidated EBIT increased to €2,443k (previous year: €731k), consolidated profit before taxes to €2,330k (previous year: €595k) and consolidated profit after taxes to €1,589k (previous year: €411k).

The still very high group order backlog, which amounted to €19,017k (previous year €23,201k) as at 30 November 2020, is also positive. The order backlog was 50.1% above the 5-year average (which includes the exceptionally high levels of the previous two years). The decrease of only 18.0% in the order backlog compared to the previous year is in line with expectations and is due to the very positive sales development.

The gross cash flow in the first half of the 2020/2021 financial year amounted to €1,748k (previous year €881k).

The group’s equity increased by €2,970k from €10,731k to €13,701k as at 30 November 2020 compared to the annual financial statements for 2019/2020. The equity ratio increased by 6.2% points from 46.9% to 53.1% as at 30 November 2020.

The number of employees in the group (incl. trainees) as at 30 November 2020 was 139, one more than in the previous year. In terms of full-time equivalents (FTE), the figure was 134 (previous year 131).

“The need to strengthen internal and external security in Germany and Europe by sustainably investing more in modern technical equipment and more personnel for the police forces and the military was underlined by the latest terrorist attacks in France, Germany and Austria. The real threat to our freedom, democracy and community of values is growing enormously due to religiously driven terrorism, politically extreme groups that draw attention to themselves with acts of violence and vandalism/looting, as well as politically extreme parties and populists. Now a society that has been unsettled and weakened by the pandemic and restrictions needs to be specially protected against these destabilising attacks.

The investment/modernisation backlog that has built up over decades must be further cleared and the overburdening of the emergency forces must be counteracted – as, for example, the German defence ministers and interior ministers at federal and state level have been promising for many months and have also begun to implement. Even a temporary slackening of efforts to make Germany and Europe safer would play into the hands of evil forces. In politics and society, the understanding of the need for these increased efforts and services for our security, democracy and freedom has grown significantly. We are therefore optimistic that the path taken will be continued by policymakers and by state security and law enforcement agencies. One of CeoTronics’ traditional core competencies is the successful acquisition and processing of orders from state security and law enforcement agencies. This positive development of business with state security and law enforcement agencies is one of the reasons why CeoTronics was and will be able to compensate for the negative effects of the pandemic on the economy and the willingness to invest of the customer target groups “Industry” and “Airline/Airports” in the 2020/2021 financial year. In view of the results of the first six months of the business year, the high order backlog and the resulting deliveries and invoices, we estimate that we will be able to achieve our goals of once again increasing turnover and profit compared to the previous year. Under optimal conditions, it is possible to achieve a group turnover of approximately €26.0m and a consolidated profit of approximately €1.9m,” announced Thomas H. Günther, CEO.

CeoTronics AG Audio Video Data Communication (ISIN: DE0005407407), Adam-Opel-Straße 6, 63322 Rödermark, Germany, is listed on the Basic Board and has been readmitted to Xetra trading since October 2019.

More Informationen:
CeoTronics AG
Audio Video Data Communication
Investor Relations, Adam-Opel-Straße 6, 63322 Rödermark, Germany
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