Corporate News from 22.04.2021
NATO ally chooses CeoTronics radio systems
CeoTronics AG Audio Video Data Communication received an order for the delivery of 60 CT-DECT systems via its sales partner in the target country (NATO ally and member of the Wassenaar Arrangement).
The full-duplex digital communication systems (CT-DECT) are used by military special forces operating in rugged protective suits, who need to have both hands free for the actual work and at the same time need to communicate with other colleagues and superiors who are further away.
The CT-DECT system allows all team members to hear and speak simultaneously without having to operate or require a PTT (push-to-talk). This full-duplex communication also has the advantage that a VOX (voice control to transmit) does not exist - there is no need to constantly adjust sensitivity to changing noise conditions or non-verbal sources of interference.
The communication systems each consist of two digital full-duplex radios (CT-DECT Multi), a CT-DECT Case8 as well as CT-ComLink® headsets and CT-ComLink® connection cables for the helmet hearing/voice system.
„Out of consideration for our contractual partners, we are unfortunately unable to publish details of the order volume in EURO,“ Thomas H. Günther, member of the Board of Management, informed.
CeoTronics AG Audio Video Data Communication (ISIN: DE0005407407), Adam-Opel-Straße 6, 63322 Rödermark, Germany, is listed on the Basic Board of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.
More Information:
CeoTronics AG
Audio Video Data Communication
Investor Relations, Adam-Opel-Straße 6, 63322 Rödermark, Germany
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