
European customer orders CEOTRONICS products for approx. € 1 million

CEOTRONICS AG will supply intercom sets with hearing protection consisting of multifunctional control units (CT-MultiPTT 3C) and tactical ear muffs with level-limited external noise reception as part of the order. The order also includes CT-ComLink® cables/adapter cables for connection to radios and intercom systems as well as robust storage bags.

The CT-MultiPTT 3C, also known as the “command and control PTT” by defense forces, is connected via CT-ComLink® cables to USB-C interfaces of the latest transmission media. Of course, analog and classic digital radio devices can also be operated simultaneously.

“For various reasons, we are unfortunately unable to publish more detailed information, e.g. on individual batch sizes, delivery dates or the client,” said Chairman of the Management Board and CEO Thomas H. Günther.

CEOTRONICS AG (ISIN: DE0005407407), Adam-Opel-Straße 6, 63322 Rödermark, Germany, is listed on the Basic Board and is admitted to Xetra trading.

Further information:

Investor Relations, Adam-Opel-Straße 6, 63322 Rödermark, Germany
E-mail: vorstand@ceotronics.com, Internet: www.ceotronics.com

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